Today, Telegram is one of the most convenient messengers. Based on the statistics provided, Telegram has a significant user base, with approximately 800 million monthly active users in, making it one of the most popular messaging platforms globally. It is not surprising that community founders actively use such an opportunity and create their groups on this platform.
So we offer you a step-by-step script to manage this process.
• Determine the focus of your community. What is the main theme or interest that will bring people together? A specific profession or branch of science? New technologies? Music? You decide!
•Decide whether you want to create a Telegram group or channel. Groups are more interactive and channels are best for broadcasting announcements.
•Open the Telegram app on your device.
•Click the "Menu" button (three horizontal lines or in the form of a letter and a pen) in the upper left corner.
• Select "New Group" or "New Channel" depending on your choice.
• After creating your group/channel, set a clear purpose and description. Let people know what your community is all about.
• Invite your existing friends or contacts who might be interested in the community.
• Promote your community on other social media platforms or forums related to your topic.
• Encourage your existing members to invite their friends to grow your community.
Warning: the violent or ultimatum nature of the methods is a losing option. Your community is a comfortable and welcoming zone for members, so run activities to engage members gently and organically.
• Regularly post interesting and relevant content to your channel or group.
• Encourage participants to participate, share their thoughts, experiences and questions.
• If you have a channel, provide access to comments to get people's opinions on your content
• Create surveys, quizzes or events to increase engagement between participants
By following these simple steps, you will be able to easily realize your first successes on the way to creating a powerful online community. And to make your job easier, you can use the right tools. A good idea would be to try KYG, a tool that will provide you with a convenient application system, analytics view, and many other benefits.